


The paper deals with problems related to meeting the individual and social needs of people with disabilities. It indicates that people with disabilities expect individual and proposed support from non-governmental organisations and institutions and organisations supporting people with disabilities locally. The paper presents organisational and legal regulations concerning social and professional integration, accessibility, independence and equality on the labour market. The theoretical issues presented in the paper present the problems of people with disabilities and a proposal to solve individual problems of people with disabilities in the areas of, among others, preventing educational and professional inequalities. The paper presents tasks to promote vocational education and employment by including people with disabilities in a flexible and open system. It points to the importance of adapting vocational and continuing education institutions, workplaces and the social and professional environment to the needs and possibilities of people with disabilities. This paper presents the directions of changes and improvement of the relation: education – social environment – labour market and striving to correlate vocational education with social environment and labour market. The paper indicates that in the system of education and professional activation and employment of people with disabilities it is important to support people with disabilities through aid services. People with disabilities expect assistance and support from career advisers and assistants both in their working life and in the social environment. Assistance services offered, among others, in school career centres, county and voivodeship employment offices and social assistance centres solve some of the problems of people with disabilities, ensuring, among others, integration and equal opportunities in education and on the open labour market. The proposed institutional and organisational assistance supports people with disabilities in social and professional life. It is essential to seek to correlate the assistance offered with problems reported individually by people with disabilities


Як цитувати
ZIĘTEK, A. (2020). INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN THE LIVES OF DISABLED PEOPLE. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (2). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Anna ZIĘTEK, Pedagogical and Technical College (Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczno-Techniczna) in Konin, Poland

PhD in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor


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