Upgrading social workers’ professional training in the problem field of competence paradigm


Ruslan Сhubuk


 The purpose of the article: is to identify major trends and priorities for improving the quality of vocational training of future social workers in the high school. The main task of this paper is to underline the theoretical analysis and in-depth study of the essence of the concept of «quality education», which should bathe basis for trust, comparison, mobility, compatibility and attractiveness in the European Higher Education on the basis of formation of competencies. The urgent task nowadays is to become a professional standard of social workers, in which the graduate will be able to: adequate perception of market reforms; mobile adaptation to the changing conditions of life; provide responsible attitude to the profession; self-improvement of personal competence; further learning throughout the life. We underline that it is for these basic competencies describe the qualification levels in national and international framework of qualifications. Scientists say that one of the indicators of the quality assurance of professional training is to develop the competence and focus attention on the fact that competence – is not only the presence of the general theoretical knowledge, but also knowledge of the possible causes and consequences of the level of skill and experience of the practical use of this knowledge during their activities. The most productive and meaningful directions of solving many interrelated problems (including problems of competence approach) are to develop the standards at the local level educational competencies .


Як цитувати
Сhubuk R. (2016). Upgrading social workers’ professional training in the problem field of competence paradigm. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із https://ped-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua/article/view/499
Біографія автора

Ruslan Сhubuk, Чорноморський державний університет імені Петра Могили, Миколаїв

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