
Olena Sergienko
Iryna Chuyko
Olga Korzhova


Introduction. The state support for international cooperation is considered in the Law of Ukraine «About Higher Education» (article 66, chapter XII). As the presence of foreign contingent at the universities of any country is an important indicator of the development and attractiveness of this country, then, the main direction of the international cooperation of the higher educational institutions is provision of the services related to getting higher and postgraduate education for foreign citizens in Ukraine

The article purpose is the development of complex of instrumental methods on the bases of application of expert evaluation for  research educational space factor of migration and selection of the dominant factors influencing the formation of foreign contingent in the hierarchy of research at the macro, meso- and microlevels.

Results. The problems of the process of attracting the foreign contingent to the HEI in Ukraine are considered. The assessment and analysis of external and internal factors of forming the favorable migration environment at all levels of management hierarchy by improving the organizational activity of the HEI department heads were conducted.  The complex instrumental method on the basis of implementing the expert assessment procedure for studying the factorial space of educational migration processes and the choice of the dominating factors influencing the formation of the foreign contingent by the hierarchy of studying at the macro-, meso- and microlevel is proposed.

Conclusions. The performed analysis and the received experts assessments of the influencing factors make possible to mark out the range of specificities, characteristic for the problem of regulation the factors of formation of the foreign contingent, and especially: presence of wide variety of interconnected factors influencing the development of educational process in Ukraine and formation of the foreign contingent; absence of enough volume of quantitative information about the dynamics of process, which happen in state system of education, because of which there appears the necessity of using both quantitative and qualitative information; non-stationary of the international migration processes, that complicates the procedure of assessment and analysis.

Thus the perspectives of the further studies on the given problematic should have the complex character taking into account the complicated structure of interconnections and inter-influences at each level of managing the attracting the foreign students in order to reach the general integral synergetic effect form realization of certain managerial strategies. As we agree with the opinion of the International Foundation for Education Policy Research that the presence of foreigners at the Ukrainian universities should become the important indicator of development and attractiveness of the country, and it needs the correspondence of national educational system to the best worlds examples, following the main trends of educational transformations and scientific researches and attracting the investment resource for its further development.


Як цитувати
Sergienko, O., Chuyko, I., & Korzhova, O. (2017). EXPERT ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FOREIGN CONTINGENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEI). Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (16). вилучено із
Біографії авторів

Olena Sergienko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate professor of  the Economic Cybernetics Department

Iryna Chuyko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

lecture of the Economic Cybernetics Department

Olga Korzhova, Kharkiv Scientific Research Institute of the SHEI «Banking University»

senior lecture of the Information Technologies and Higher Mathematics Department


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