


Introduction. Optimization of practical tuition of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy for professional activity is considered as one of the most important factors for improving the educational process in institutions of higher education. The basis of practical tuition is the formation of students' readiness to perform professional activities correctly and effectively.

Purpose. To investigate peculiarities of praxeological approach to formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy.

Methods. Analysis of scientific methodological literature.

Results. The signs and characteristics of the praxeological orientation of formation of pro-fessional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy are determined. In the system of vocational education praxeology can be defined as an important methodological basis for substantiating the specificity of performing the right and effective actions of the future specialist in physical therapy, ergotherapy. The implementation of the praxeological approach is based on the combination of the main categories of praxeology and scientific provisions to clarify the essence of professional activity. The basic ideas of praxeology in the professional tuition of future specialists are used by implementing the praxeological approach as a principle, basic position, direction of study of the subject of research.

Originality. The main characteristics of effective pedagogical actions are identified. In the context of the study of the process of professional identity formation of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy, the praxeological approach was used in two directions, which combine bifurcation and synergistic approach.

Conclusion. The implementation of a pra-xeological approach to the formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy in higher education institutions allows to compare the results of tuition students with a simulated sample, to monitor the quality of learning, identify and study the causes of deviation, deviations, to introduce new or not to use inefficient methods and technologies, to make informed decisions about innovative changes in own education, to develop individual dual tuition routes. A praxeological approach to the formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy in higher education institutions will facilitate in—depth analysis of the procedural aspect of professional activity, which will improve students' practical skills, determine the conditions and means of improving the quality of performance.


Як цитувати
KOPOCHYNSKA, Y. (2020). PRAXEOLOGICAL APPROACH TO FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY OF FUTURE PHYSICAL THERAPY, ERGOTHERAPY. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (1). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Yuliia KOPOCHYNSKA, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University

PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor


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