
Nataliya SAYKO


Introduction The peculiarities of the modern practice future social workers preparations are analyzed. They are characterized by a number of innovations that influence the effectiveness of preparation, for example, the reduction of class hours, practical professional preparation course, forms of control, etc. and increase the percentage of independent student’s work. As a result, it leads to the formalization of higher education superficial subject learning and lack of forming personal qualities of specialists, providing free functioning in the professional sphere, also mental and emotional overload of students.

Purpose. To substantiate and disclose peculiarities of using the preparation aimed to form valuable and normative social competence of future social pedagogues. Such peculiarities are based on the concept analysis of the definition «competence» and different scientific approaches to its explanation.

Methods. Comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy.

Results. The content of value-normative component in the realization of competence approach in professional preparation is disclosed, the necessity of using training for the formation of personal qualities as responsible attitude to own health, feel of freedom, confidence in own forces and abilities, overcoming fear of mistakes, anxiety and doubts is sustained. In turn, it implies the formation of an appropriate professional world. In turn, it implies the formation of an appropriate professional worldview position, such as optimistic world understanding, determination in achieving goals, freedom of action, leadership skills. Training is understood as a method of formation of the worldview of future social workers which will help prevent strains and professional psycho-emotional exhaustion of the specialist.

Originality. The content of value-normative readiness components of future social workers to the profession activity is analyzed and researched. They are the following: a focus on the positive in life with the use of the main provisions of positive psychology and psychotherapy; formation the psychology of leadership that provides creating of internal leading position and appropriate style of behavior; formation of internal individual freedom and feeling life satisfaction and happiness as a norm of being. Also training methods that can be used in educational process of institutions are chosen to each component.

Conclusion. The necessity of improvement professional preparation of future social workers according to competence approach in education is proved. The significance of formation value-normative readiness to future professional activity of social pedagogues is revealed. The main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the system of professional preparation of social workers in Ukraine.


Як цитувати
SAYKO, N. (2017). THE FORMATION OF VALUE-NORMATIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE SOCIAL EDUCATORS BY MEANS OF TRAINING. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (11). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Nataliya SAYKO, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after Y.G. Korolenko

candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent of the  Chair of Special Education and Social Work


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