Introduction. In the article, among the strategic directions for modernizing the preparation of students for successful professional activity, the possibilities of methodical support of teaching by the success of students, its role in overcoming difficulties and raising the level of their educational achievements of future specialists in creative activity are revealed.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the possibilities of methodological support in optimizing the management of the training of future specialists for successful professional activity.
Methods of research. The complex of methods for achieving the planned goal, the revaluation of tasks, the quality control of the results of the experienced training was used, the criterion for assessing the effectiveness was the success of the training, the factors: the motivational and value attitude to learning, the emotional attitude and attitudes to success, knowledge, skills and qualities that success of educational activity, activity of the subject position of students in teaching.
Statement of the main material. The essence, content, mechanism of its realization, various forms allowing to put students in an active position, thereby create conditions for consolidation of their managerial, organizational and vocational-pedagogical skills, providing success in solving professional problems and achieving predictable results, is concretized. The specifics and content of various forms of methodological support are revealed (algorithm of creative study, group tasks, projects, consultations). The effectiveness of the results obtained is confirmed by the data of the pedagogical experiment.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. The research confirms the positive tendency of growth of students' educational achievements under the influence of timely methodical support and methods of teaching success, which is the basis of their successful professional development. Among the perspectives of further research is the need to study innovative approaches to the toolkit for evaluating learning outcomes by the success and methodological activity of a higher education institution.
Ця ліцензія дозволяє вільно
- поширювати — копіювати і розповсюджувати матеріал у будь-якому вигляді чи форматі;
- змінювати — реміксувати, трансформувати, і брати матеріал за основу для будь-яких цілей, навіть комерційних
на наступних умовах:
зазначення Авторства — має вказуватися автор, розміщуватися посилання на ліцензію та вказуватися чи було внесено зміни до твору. Це може бути зроблено у будь-який розумний спосіб, але так, щоб не створювалося враження стосовно того, що ліцензіар підтримує чи схвалює автора або авторське використання твору;
- без додаткових обмежень — не можуть висуватися додаткові умови або застосовуватися технологічні засоби захисту, що обмежують права інших на дії дозволені ліцензією.
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