Introduction. The authors prove that in today’s conditions there is an urgent need for an effective, scientifically grounded system of social education that could protect the younger generation from the devastating effects of the crisis that the country is experiencing. It is substantiated that the solution of modern problems of social pedagogy and social upbringing is impossible without a careful analysis of historical experience.
Purpose. On the basis of the analysis of scientific investigations of representatives of various theoretical directions and discourses on the issues of the essence of social education, to disclose the content of the phenomenon under study.
Methods. The dialectical method was used in this work, which enabled us to consider the object of research in all its interconnections and dependencies; comparative-historical and methods that ensured the penetration of the essence of the process of social education of the girl; the method of theoretical generalization, which made possible the formation of substantiated conclusions based on the results of scientific research work. Results. It is proved that research on the content and main areas of social education requires further study and coverage in the historical and pedagogical context.
Originality. The expediency of distinguishing the following basic characteristics of social education is argued: social education is an integral part of the socialization process and is one of the main factors of socialization of the individual; social education has a practically oriented character and is aimed at the formation of socially important personality traits, necessary for the successful socialization of the individual; it is expedient to consider social education as a process carried out in the interests of the state, and therefore it should be considered in the narrow and broad sense of the word.
Conclusion. It has been proved that social education is an integral part of the process of socialization, pedagogically regulated and purposeful activity, aimed at forming social maturity and personal development by integrating it into various types of social relations in communication, education, etc., and socially useful activity that occurs under the influence of both objective, and subjective factors. Prospects for further scientific research we see in a more thorough study of the positive results of the historical experience of social upbringing of minors, which should be used in modern conditions.
Ця ліцензія дозволяє вільно
- поширювати — копіювати і розповсюджувати матеріал у будь-якому вигляді чи форматі;
- змінювати — реміксувати, трансформувати, і брати матеріал за основу для будь-яких цілей, навіть комерційних
на наступних умовах:
зазначення Авторства — має вказуватися автор, розміщуватися посилання на ліцензію та вказуватися чи було внесено зміни до твору. Це може бути зроблено у будь-який розумний спосіб, але так, щоб не створювалося враження стосовно того, що ліцензіар підтримує чи схвалює автора або авторське використання твору;
- без додаткових обмежень — не можуть висуватися додаткові умови або застосовуватися технологічні засоби захисту, що обмежують права інших на дії дозволені ліцензією.
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