


The article reveals the professional specifics of learning a foreign language, its focus on the implementation of the tasks of future professional activities of managers of socio-cultural activities. Attention is focused on a professionally oriented approach to teaching a foreign language at esta-blishments of higher education, which involves the formation in future managers of socio-cultural activities of ability of foreign language com-munication in specific professional, business, scientific fields and situations, taking into account the peculiarities of professional thinking. Vocational training is training based on the needs of future managers of socio-cultural activities in the study of a foreign language, which is dictated by the characteristics of the future profession or specialty. It is stated that in order to realize the didactic potential of a foreign language as an effective means of professional and social orientation of future managers of socio-cultural activities at establishments of higher education, the following conditions should be observed: 1) clear formulation of goals of foreign language speech activities;
2) social and professional orientation of these activities; 3) students’ satisfaction in solving partial problems; 4) formation of students’ ability to be creative in solving partial problems; 5) favorable psychological climate in the teaching staff. A number of features of a foreign language as a subject are also revealed. In addition, a number of structural elements of the content component of the model of professionally oriented foreign language learning are identified: 1) communication skills by types of speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing) based on general and professional vocabulary; 2) language knowledge and skills, which include knowledge of phonetic phenomena, grammatical forms, rules of word formation, lexical units, terminology specific to a particular pro-fession; 3) socio-cultural knowledge, which aims to attract students not only to a new way of language communication, but also to the culture of the people who speak the language being studied; 4) edu-cational skills, rational methods of mental work, providing a culture of language acquisition in the educational environment and a culture of com-munication with native speakers.


Як цитувати
DANYLYUK, S. (2020). TEACHING STUDENTS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AS A COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED TRAINING OF FUTURE MANAGERS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL ACTIVITIES. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (2). вилучено із https://ped-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua/article/view/3823
Біографія автора

Serhiy DANYLYUK, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Sciences, Educational
and Socio-Cultural Management Departmernt


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