The article discussed the problems of family up- bringing and family values in Azerbaijan the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX centu- ry. The issues of family and social upbringing of children are always relevant, and at the same time, regardless of the period in which we live, they are considered to be the problems that concern us. The family must be prepared to meet the needs of each member for self-government and non-self- sufficiency (in a unique way). The family creates in a person the concept of a house not as a space in which he lives, but as feelings and emotions that are awaited, loved, understood and protected. In the modern conditions of the Republic of Azerbai- jan, the role of the family in the formation of the personality is especially growing.
The use of the achievements of advanced peda- gogical science in the field of family education, generalization of the progressive experience of rais- ing children in a family, collected by the people, is one of the main sources of functioning and further improvement of family education in modern Azer- baijan, which has embarked on the path of demo- cratic transformations of social and state life.

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