Features Practical Implementation of the Forms and Methods of Older Adolescents for Independent Life in a Family-Type Homes


Tatiana Loza


 Experience of social and pedagogical work with orphans in family conditions proves the relevance of social and educational support of such children. Actuality of this theme is the rationale since the output of unadapt child in society when there consequences of the previous deprivation leads to further negative trends Special attention deserves this aspect to the achievement of such pupils older teens because of question of their readiness for independent living. Therefore, in this paper, we have carried out summary of the main tenets and features of practice implemented forms and methods of social and educational support older teenagers in family-type homes in order to prepare them for independent living. The appropriate forms and methods of support have been developed and tested in the course of the experimental work. This article gives a detailed description of the group and individual forms of support older teenagers in family-type homes. Other aspect contains characteristics of factors that influence on interaction methods with pupils based on consideration of its individual characteristics and social situation of development. The subjects of such support are the foster parents and social service specialists that provide social support for older teenagers in family-type home. These empirical results have directed to improve the practice of interaction between these subjects and raising the effectiveness of their activities.


Як цитувати
Loza, T. (2016). Features Practical Implementation of the Forms and Methods of Older Adolescents for Independent Life in a Family-Type Homes. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із https://ped-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua/article/view/470
Біографія автора

Tatiana Loza, Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

 здобувач кафедри соціальної педагогіки Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка


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