Acmeological technologies in preparation future economists to professional interaction


Tamara Poyasok


 The article headlines the problem of preparation future economists to professional interaction; it discovers the role of acmeological technologies for professional training of students of economic profile; it investigates the importance of information technologies in training future specialists on economics to professional interaction. In higher educational establishment, the professional interaction involves the implementation of students` and teachers` business communication in a common professional activity that actualizes the cognition and promotes the partnership relations and achieving of significant professional goals.

  The professional growth of future economists are productive process that involves the development and individual self-development which is aimed at fostering of its professionally important qualities. In the process of professional becoming is a professional self-realization, self-actualization potential of professionals to achieve the professional acme. Professional interaction is carried out in the system of objective relationships that naturally arise between the subjects of the profession. Since the communication involves the interaction between subjects and the essence of which is the relationship, exactly the latter are the backbone component of communicative situations. Along with this, it is necessary to provide controlled acmeological influence in the development of professional interaction of future professionals of economics, particularly during the consultations of educational discussions, exercises, projects, simulations and interactive games in professional content. The successful specialists` training of economics to professional interaction is closely connected with the using of acmeological technology in their professional training, which include informational technology. 

  Their main advantages are flexibility, adjustable for different method sand algorithms training, and individual response to the actions of each individual student. The use of acmeological technology makes it possible to make learning more active and give it a character of study and search. Unlike traditional forms they provide the possibility of immediate response of the student to the actions, repetition, explanation of material for a «weak» students move to more complex and too difficult for most prepared material. In this case the learning implements easily and naturally in individual pace.


Як цитувати
Poyasok, T. (2016). Acmeological technologies in preparation future economists to professional interaction. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Tamara Poyasok, Кременчуцький національний університет імені Михайла Остроградського

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