Content-professional model of legal competence of future specialists of civil protection


Vasily Rotar


 The author attempts to analyze the features of pedagogical design of legal competence of future specialists of civil protection. The model of forming legal competence of cadets has certain structure, aimed at raising their level of legal competence and takes into account the main directions of modernization of professional education, practical demands and peculiarities of perception of law by future specialists of civil protection. It is important to model purpose, content, organizational and procedure, control and assessment components of educational activities, which cover classroom and extracurricular work. This creates a common vector of forming the legal competence of a civil protection specialist in the higher educational establishment, allowing him to be simultaneously the participant of educational process and the subject of self-education and self-development


Як цитувати
Rotar, V. (2016). Content-professional model of legal competence of future specialists of civil protection. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Vasily Rotar, Академія пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля, Черкаси

 старший викладач кафедри економіки та управління Академії пожежної безпеки імені Геров Чорнобиля, старший лейтенант служби цивільного захисті, Черкаси


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