The family as a social institution in the J. A. Comenius’ socio-pedagogical views


Valentyna Tyholoz


 The article examines the role of the family as a social institution in the children’s education. Famous educators, scientists J. A. Comenius, J. -H. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, A. S. Makarenko, J. Korczak, V. A. Sykhomlynsky paid special attention to the educational activities of the family as a social institution. The author points out the relevance of J. A. Comenius’ social and pedagogical ideas: man can only become a man by education; educated man adapts easily to the social relations system, regulates these relationships and interaction with the society and nature environment. Reasonable person should build their social life: to respect parents and their authority; to serve the people and be a creator; to act with self-respect, dignity and sanctity. By carrying out a scientific substantiation of the education system, Comenius saw the child’s development at the school of infancy within mother school. The teacher showed the role of families in the person’s socialization, examined the issues of the parental responsibility for the children education. His «Mother School» (1631) – the first systematic study in education history related to the goals, objectives, content, methods and organization of children education of the first six years of life. The teacher discusses the main parents’ duties: child’s soul development, taking care of his physical health, the mental education, teaching to the active life and to constant engagement in something. Comenius has laid a scientific pedagogical foundation of family education, and grounded the role of the family as the most important subject of socio-pedagogical process.


Як цитувати
Tyholoz, V. (2016). The family as a social institution in the J. A. Comenius’ socio-pedagogical views. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Valentyna Tyholoz, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

 старший викладач кафедри соціальної роботи і соціальної педагогіки Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького, Черкаси


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