Integration unity of education and upbringing in modern educational space of institution of higher education


Nadiya Chernukha


 The article of Ukrainian educationalist N. M. Chernukha reveals the main priorities of the integration unity of teaching and upbringing in modern educational space. It also trace genesis of integration processes in education, especially teaching and upbringing. The author underlines that integration unity of teaching and upbringing in today’s educational environment of higher education institutions is the basis of personality successful socialization. According to the author, currently extremely relevant is the problem of effective interaction between teaching and upbringing in the modern university. The optimal correlation between the problems of education and upbringing – is the fundamental pedagogy problem at different times. It was detected that one of the most productive ways of understanding space-time and essential life dimensions is the integration processes in education, addressed primarily to the spiritual possibilities of human, personal’s moral and ethical, artistic and aesthetic development, which is a significant and meaningful basis for successful self-realization of modern personality. One of the leading positions in the text highlights the importance of national education, which includes gaining of social experience by the younger generation and students, which was inherited by them with their spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people. That is why priorities of Ukrainian education is concentrated on formation of personality, which realizes its belonging to the Ukrainian people and modern European civilization. Upbringing of the personality with democratic ideology, who respects civil rights and freedoms, traditions and cultures of the peoples of the world should be national, religious, linguistic choice of every human being. The integration unity of teaching and upbringing in modern educational environment institutions of higher education is a priority of modern educational space, the foundation of successful socialization of personality nowadays.


Як цитувати
Chernukha, N. (2016). Integration unity of education and upbringing in modern educational space of institution of higher education. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 24(317). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Nadiya Chernukha, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка

 доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри теорії та історії педагогіки Гуманітарного інституту Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка, академік Української Академії Акмеології


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