Preconditions of formation of self-evaluation of students’ educational achievements


Ludmila Volodimirovna Bakhmat


Introduction. Entering a new educational environment, Ukraine is facing the importance of self-education, which results in the necessity of formation of adequate self-evaluation of students’ educational achievements. Actually, the assessment of learning achievements is believed to be a system-making
criterion of managing the quality of education and a guarantee of professional training.
The purpose of the article is to find out preconditions and steps of formation of successful students’ self-evaluation.
Results. When analyzing scientific experiments and literature sources, it’s traditional to divide all factors into inner and outer ones. Communication is an important part of creating pedagogical conditions to form self-evaluation by means of discussion, reflection and comparison. It’s a key factor to have a well-formed inner self-evaluation that will take place before getting outer assessment.
To provide high-quality education, it’s essential for students’ self-evaluation to be adequate and equal to their achievements and skills. It’s self-evaluation that mirrors correctness of carrying out work, mistakes and the importance of work results. Ukrainian and international scientists think self-evaluation to be an undividable part of any activities, which is not about pointing out mistakes only,
but also deals with critical analysis of studies and should lead to improvement of education quality.
Originality. The author stresses the necessity of systematical self-evaluation and the importance of real self-evaluation equaling. Describing the notions and revealing the roles of prognostic, actual and retrospective types of self-evaluation when forming adequate self-evaluation, it points out the importance of their interconnection. Moreover, the author introduces steps for successful self-evaluation, which can be also used in team work.
Conclusion. Positive attitude to self-control, intercorrection of educational achievements and necessary criteria, plans and aims are important preconditions to form self-evaluation. Systematical and constant assessing activities lead to successful self-evaluation. Using innovation control systems
for more effective self-evaluation is a future prospect of the experiment.


Як цитувати
Bakhmat, L. V. (2016). Preconditions of formation of self-evaluation of students’ educational achievements. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", 37(370). вилучено із
Біографія автора

Ludmila Volodimirovna Bakhmat, International Academy of Education, National Academy of Human Problems, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology