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Modern tendencies of forming communicative competence of future managers of socio-cultural activities are covered in the article. The basic components of communicative competence that are important for the successful communication interaction of future managers of socio-cultural activities are distinguished. The own interpretation of temporal competence as an integral quality of future managers of socio-cultural activities is proposed, which creates conditions for optimal design of communicative competence. The three most important components of temporal competence are also distinguished, in particular: awareness of time, emotional experience of time and organization of time of professional activities, which in the complex provides emotional stability, stress resistance and self-realization of future managers of socio-cultural activities. In addition, a number of structural elements of time management have been identified: time inventory over several working days to analyze one’s own working style and identify causes of time deficiency; constant analysis of the use of time, identification of the unproductive nature of its costs; systematic scheduling of working hours, work on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and other types of plans; constant differentiation and coordination of production and personal plans; developing respect for time. At the same time, the following basic principles of time management are distinguished and characterized: consistency (unity between vision and mission, roles and goals, priorities and plans, desires and discipline), balance (harmonious distribution of time between personal and professional life), focus (concentration on solving important matters), humanity in relationships, flexibility to become comfortable for performing professional activities), a compactness that, overall, will help one not lose any important ideas in the process of communicative interaction. The stages of time management are also distinguished and characterized, among them there are: goal setting, time planning, self-awareness, decision making, implementation of plans and organization of personal professional process, control over execution. Attention is drawn to the basic planning requirements that will ensure the high productivity of future managers of socio-cultural activities. A number of time management systems and techniques are also highlighted that will be useful in communicating in the socio-cultural management industry.

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How to Cite
DANYLYUK, S. (2020). TIME MANAGEMENT AS A COMPONENT OF SUCCESSFUL COMMUNICATION OF FUTURE MANAGERS OF SOCIO-CULTURAL ACTIVITIES. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (1). Retrieved from https://ped-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua/article/view/206-212
Author Biography

Serhiy DANYLYUK, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Doctor in Pedagogy, Professor, Chair of Pedagogical Sciences, Educational and Socio-Cultural Management


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