Main Article Content

Olena LUT


Theoretical and practical issues of preparation, organization and conduct of educational hackathons in general secondary and higher education institutions are considered. It is suggested that the hackathon can become an innovative format in the study of chemistry. The possible functions of the hackathon in the educational process are considered and attention is focused on the feasibility of using the hackathon. The stages of the hackathon, its goals and objectives are outlined. The method of conducting a hackathon as a new type of educational activity is described; its relevance in the modern educational process is proved; the importance of this method in the formation of a competent personality is analyzed; its relevance in the modern educational process is proved; the importance of this method in the formation of a competent personality is analyzed; the rules and tips that contribute to the success of the event are listed, the possible risks that organizers and participants may face during the hackathon are described, their reasons and ways to avoid them for hackathons of various types are indicated; The stages of the hackathon are analyzed and the rules for the successful conduct of each of them are described.

The educational hackathon, conducted by the authors of the article in order to improve the methods of interaction between teachers and students within the framework of teaching chemistry, made it possible to solve a number of pressing issues and obtain significant resultsConducting a hackathon in the chemistry education system can create and strengthen active learning, creative thinking, multidisciplinary teamwork, innovation, and the generation of new ideas. It also includes numerous knowledge-sharing, integration, and creation processes, as well as a learning environment that allows students to use their factual and procedural knowledge in a fun, motivating, and collaborative way.

The introduction of hackathons into the educational process activates the key competencies of the participants, in particular the development of social, civic, informational and communicative competencies.

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How to Cite
SHAFOROST, Y., LUT, O., SMALYUS, V., & SHEVCHENKO, O. (2023). HACKATHON AS AN INNOVATIVE METHOD OF STUDYING CHEMISTRY. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (4), 80–86. https://doi.org/10.31651/2524-2660-2023-4-80-86
Author Biographies

Yulia SHAFOROST, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Chemistry and Nanomaterials

Olena LUT, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Chair of Chemistry and Nanomaterials

Victor SMALYUS, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Chair of Chemistry and Nanomaterials

Oleksandr SHEVCHENKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Chair of Chemistry and Nanomaterials


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