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Summary. The article is a continuation of the author's scientific work in the field of development of methodological competence of the future teacher of mathematics in the process of master's training. The relevance of the topic is emphasized by new changes related to the qualification requirements for teachers who are able to accept and implement the new goals and tasks of modernization of education, which are necessary for every modern person for a successful life.

A review of the scientific literature on approaches to determining the methodological competence of a teacher, including a future teacher of mathematics, was carried out. Special attention is focused on the structure of methodical competence of the future teacher, in which personal, cognitive, information-technological, analytical-reflective and subject-activity components are highlighted.

The purpose of the article is to develop the methodological competence of the future teacher of mathematics in the implementation of design technologies in a master's environment.

The methods. Theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of scientific and methodological sources) and empirical (substantiation and identification of optimal forms of educational and professional activities and communication of students, which determine their mastery of a variety of future professional functions and important social roles; development of personality-oriented technology) students who contribute to the provision of fundamental mathematical training, raising the level of their general culture as a prerequisite for democratization, humanization and humanization of education; observation and analysis of results).

Conclusions. Therefore, the formation of methodological competencies of the future teacher of mathematics is one of the leading areas of master's training, which is related to the qualification requirements for teachers who are able to implement the goals and objectives of the modernization of education in the context of successful life activities for every person. The analysis of psychological-pedagogical research and the objective conditions of the existing practice of professional education in pedagogical higher education institutions allowed to identify the components that exert a positive influence on the development of the methodological competence of the future teacher of mathematics in the conditions of a master's degree. The dominant component in the formation of the methodological competence of the future teacher of mathematics is the personal structural component determined by the level of motivational and value orientation in combination with the skills of communication, self-organization and empathy. A special place in this process is given to the information technology component of methodical competence, which requires information literacy in the use of distance learning opportunities in combination with awareness of the basics of information security in practical activities.

Results. The problem of a more objective study of the process of forming methodical competence and revealing the essence of its components in the context of the development of subject-activity structural components in the field of organization of educational activity and its motivation, providing an informational basis and developing a program of relevant activities and making the necessary decisions is urgent.

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How to Cite
ZOROCHKINA, T., & GALAYKO, J. (2023). FORMATION OF METHODOLOGICAL AND MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE TEACHER IN THE PROCESS OF MASTER’S TRAINING. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (4), 22–29.
Author Biographies

Tetiana ZOROCHKINA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Doctor Sciences of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the department of primary education

Julia GALAYKO, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Geometry and Algebra Department


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