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Summary. Introduction. The transformation of education into a high-tech sphere actualizes pedagogical research and development of problems related to the formation of digital competence of future educators. A special role in the formation of future educators’ digital competence is played by the education received at a higher educational institution, focused on practical skills and the ability to apply knowledge in new pedagogical conditions and situations. In particular, the use of computer technologies in the process of studying at the university increases the professional capabilities of students, especially since the pedagogical culture of future educators should include such professional knowledge, abilities, skills and experience, which in their entirety are called «digital competence».

The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the psychological and pedagogical aspect of future preschool educators’ digital competence formation.

The research methods are theoretical in nature and were used to study scientific literature (analysis and synthesis), formulate reasonable conclusions (generalization), determine the key characteristics of the researched processes (induction, deduction).

Results. Based on the analysis of the characteristics available in the scientific and methodological literature, it is possible to define digital competence as specific knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of activity acquired as a result of training, aimed at effective decision-making in educational and professional activities, through the use of computer technologies.

The main components of the digital competence of future educators are analyzed: motivational and value-based; professional activity; technical and technological, communicative, operational.

It has been studied that only the integrated use of the presented elements will allow not only to form, but also to develop the digital competence of future educators. The purposeful formation of all elements of digital competence contributes to the training of a competent professional in a pedagogical university.

Originality. Based on the study and generalization of the results of scientific research, the article presents the positive impact of computer technologies on the development of the main mental processes of students, as a specific age group, with their purposeful application in the educational process, which, in turn, allows, on the one hand, to achieve better cognitive results, on the other – to form students’ interest in increasing their own digital competence.

Conclusion. It was stated that in the modern educational space, the use of computer technologies constitutes a separate problem of the formation of digital competence, the successful solution of which is possible only in the joint work of teachers and students. In addition, the use of computer technologies will be effective only when they are applied taking into account the regulatory requirements for the professional training of future preschool educators.

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How to Cite
MYKHALCHUK, O. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECT OF FUTURE PRESCHOOL EDUCATORS’ DIGITAL COMPETENCE FORMATION. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (4), 101–106.
Author Biography

Olena MYKHALCHUK, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Preschool and Special Education Department


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