


Introduction. An important criterion for a medical and pharmaceutical specialist is enhancing their professional readiness through developing and improving the professional system of education. This is achieved by introducing educational reforms into the network of institutions that train specialists in the field of study 22 Healthcare. The key to fostering professional readiness is advancing communication between professional colleges and higher education institutions, information support, postgraduate training (continuous professional education) of teachers and graduates, and adapttion to new market conditions. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze legislative and regulatory documents, scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem outlined and to check the form of potential professional readiess of future specialists in speciality 223 Nursing. Methods. In the course of research, the following general scientific methods were employed: study, analysis, generalization, and systematization of archival sources, scientific-pedagogical, and methodological literature, normative legal documnts, periodicals, Internet resources. Practical experience of Cherkasy Medical Academy was used to distinguish specific features of training specialists in speciality 223 Nursing. The results of the research on developing professional readiness of graduates are substantiated and graphically symbolized. Results. Based on the study, it can be conclded that continuous professional education shapes a competitive and sought-after specialist in the labor market; medical and pharmaceutical training is a type of professional education that includes a system of knowledge, skills, worldview and behavioral features of the individual; the main components of enhancing professional readiness of graduates are clinical training, innovative teaching methods, support of graduates in the workplace, self-education, motivation, willingness for continuous training and professional growth. Most important in the structure of professional readiness is the psychological readiness of graduates for future occupation, which is determined by the mindset of the psyche, spiritual forces of a specialist to solve professional problems and perform professional duties. There have been distinguished two basic types of readiness: potential professional readiness and direct readines. In an educational institution, potential professional readiness is developed through a system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Originality. The study possesses scientific originality since it analyzes the questionnaire of the graduate students of speciality groups 223 Nursing (bachelor's degree of higher education), in order to determine the degree of importance of mastering professional skills for successful professional activity, and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities by graduates, necessary in the future for effective completion of professional tasks. Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that nursing as a speciality gradually occupies a stable place in Ukraine in the structure of higher education training since it is interesting and promising for young people. Most graduates are satisfied with the quality of education that meets their needs and expectations. Professional training, which graduates obtain, is multilateral, which will allow them to engage in various activities in the future. The discrepancy between the average value and the level research skills indicates that when designing a curriculum of this speciality, special attention should be paid to the disciplines that form research professional competencies. The implication for further research in this field is developing educational programs to improve the research readiness of applicants during their study at an educational institution.


Як цитувати
RADZIEVSKA, I. (2021). ENHANCING PROFESSIONAL READINESS FOR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AMONG GRADUATES IN SPECIALITY 223 NURSING: THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES AND THEIR PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького.<Br> Серія: "Педагогічні науки", (2). вилучено із https://ped-ejournal.cdu.edu.ua/article/view/4288
Біографія автора

Iryna RADZIEVSKA, Cherkasy Medical Academy

Ph.D in Pedagogy, Vice-Rector for Educational Work


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