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Viktoriia SIRENKO


Summary. The attention is also drawn to the fact that in today’s conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection and the introduction of distance learning, the use of only traditional methods is not considered sufficient to improve student performance. Therefore, teachers are increasingly turning to innovative technologies and digital tools in order to ensure qualitative educational process. The digital approach is implemented through Internet resources, platforms, programmes, mobile applications and media materials. They provide audio and visual perception of information and help study lexical units in the context.

The paper offers a number of mobile applications and training platforms for learning German vocabulary at different levels. The article considers the problem of the usage of multimedia teaching means (MTM) that enlarge and enrich the program of the foreign language learning by vocational school students, make possible the access to different authentic materials, and raise their motivation to learning. Vocational school students have the possibility to work on the language at a comfortable speed rate and promote learning individualization in general and effective foreign language learning in particular.

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How to Cite
LEVYTSKA, L., & SIRENKO, V. (2023). USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (2), 118–123.
Author Biographies

Lilia LEVYTSKA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD, lecturer of German Philology Department

Viktoriia SIRENKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

1st year master's student, 014 Secondary education (Language and Literature (German))


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