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Introduction: Andragogical education, as a social phenomenon, affects the leading principles of educational policy, based on the paradigm of a person`s continuous education and the importance of his dynamic development. The subject approach of the andragogical education paradigm aims to examine the mature person as a developing subject who can take steps on their own directed towards the cognitive change of educational needs. As a separate component of the educational environment, every person is an acme space; his continuous education opportunity can be organized through acmeological projects. We consider a person's individual-psychological and social-psychological characteristics, work experience, and knowledge in them. From the perspective of pedagogical acmeology, changes in the acme space are subjective and related to the pace and level of personal development. Through formal and non-formal educational means, andragogical education can offer new approaches to a person's acmeological development, which we have presented in our developed model and in the formation criteria of acme space.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to study the acmeological design of the educational space in the conditions of organizing andragogical education. The objectives are:

– to analyze the connection of andragogical education with the creation of an acmeological environment and the acmeological design of the educational space,

– to reveal and interpret the process, essence and importance of the acmeological design of the educational space in the life of a modern person in a continuously changing world,

– to form the acmeological criteria of the educational space design.

Methods. Based on the analysis of professional literature on the subject, new conclusions have been made, and connections between the issues and phenomena targeted by andragogical education and pedagogical acmeology have been revealed. Practically, developing the criteria for the acmeological design of educational space and subsequently shaping acmeological spaces within the expanding educational environment can be beneficial in implementing andragogical education.

The research utilized analysis, synthesis, comparison and pairing methods.

Results. As a result, we successfully developed a model for the formation of the acme space, which is multi-factorial and holds practical value in creating or designing the acmeological space.

Originality. The novelty of the research is the development of the acmeological design criteria of the educational space in the process of organizing andragogical education.

The degree of elaboration of the fundamental problem: Since pedagogical acmeology is experiencing its development in the context of andragogical education, and it is aimed at the examination of the most effective implementation and self-realization of an adult person's intellectual capabilities in the conditions of professional education, there was a need to study the fundamental issue of human education from the perspective of acmeology to make judgments about the acmeological formation and design of educational spaces. From this perspective, we have referred to the unique works and analyses of A. Derkach, N. Solovyov, A. Bodalev, K. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M. Sinyakova, E. Simanyuk, E. Klimov, I. Solovyev, G. Allport, E. Erikson, C. Rogers.

Conclusion. The acmeological design of the andragogic educational space is an essential phenomenon in today's rapidly evolving and continuously changing world. It aids a person to develop his abilities and skills, professional achievements, existing value relationships, the nature of activities in accordance with adult education.

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How to Cite
HARUTYUNYAN, N., HAYRAPETYAN, L., & VARDANYAN, I. (2023). THE ACMEOLOGICAL DESIGN OF ANDRAGOGICAL EDUCATIONAL SPACE. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (3), 32–38.
Author Biographies

Nazik HARUTYUNYAN, Yerevan State University

Doctor Sciences of Pedagogy, Professor

Lusine HAYRAPETYAN, Yerevan State University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Irina VARDANYAN, Yerevan State University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor


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