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Olena VOVK


This study outlines major methods of teaching a foreign language (FL) within a communicative and cognitive framework. The emphasis is placed on specific features and benefits of the discussed methods, and the functions they perform to conduce to successful language acquisition.

The purpose of this article is to provide theoretical assumptions on diverse types of learning a FL by students pursuing higher education, and expose how these learning types correlate with the model of the communicative and cognitive approach.

Results. Under current circumstances, the process of foreign language acquisition (FLA) acquires a new significance, when face-to-face classrooms are consolidated with distance learning. This opens up new perspectives for integrated FL teaching, when a teacher can both alternate different methods of instruction or apply them in combination, depending on learning objectives, individual profiles of students, and predetermined learning outcomes.

This article presents succinct characteristics of various types of FL learning embraced by a communicative and cognitive framework. These methods of instruction comprise multimodal, immersion, spiral, spaced, flipped, blended, task-based, project-based, experiential, personalized, mastery, competency-based, and eclectic types of learning. Each of them has its own distinct characteristics and advantages that can complement to effective FLA.

Conclusion. The communicative and cognitive approach to FL teaching optimizes the vistas of language mastery grounded on voluminous neuropedagogical, psychological, physiological, and methodological evidence. Its target is to ensure holistic FL education for University students, which will broaden their personal, intellectual, academic, sociocultural, and professional prospects.

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How to Cite
VOVK, O. (2023). COMMUNICATIVE AND COGNITIVE FRAMEWORK FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: TYPES OF LEARNING. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (3), 63–76.
Author Biography

Olena VOVK, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Professor of the Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching the English Language


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