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Summary. Introduction. Modern choreographic art has a wide range of educational influences on the pupil’s personality that contributes to the harmonious development of his/her creative potential. In addition, this type of art ensures the formation of creative competence and instills the necessary performance skills and abilities in junior schoolchildren, particularly, develops artistic skills. Accordingly, there is a problem regarding a comprehensive study of the artistic skills of children of primary school age in choreography classes, where their development contributes to achievement and significant success in choreographic activities.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities of the formation of artistic skills in children of primary school age by means of dance in choreography classes and to present the theoretical aspect of this problem.

Methods. The main methods used in the process of writing the article are theoretical analysis of scientific sources, collection and systematization of research materials, induction, and deduction.

Results. The article focuses on the study of the peculiarities of artistic skill development in children of primary school age in choreography classes. It presents various approaches to the interpretation of such concepts as “ability”, “artistry”, “artistic abilities”, “primary school age”, “individual abilities”, etc. by scientists.

Special attention in the article is focused on the description of the psychological specifics of the child’s development during the formation of artistic skills through the means of dance in accordance with his/her age. The signs of the child’s primary school age, his/her perception of himself/herself and the world around him/her, his/her peers, and adults, particularly, choreography teachers, artists, are characterized in detail. It is noted that the development of artistic skills of pupils is affected by the skillful use of elements of theater pedagogy, constant improvement of children’s psychomotor skills, creation of favourable conditions for revealing their creative and artistic skills.

The article reveals a number of factors affecting the development of artistic skills of junior schoolchildren in choreography classes, such as the transformation of personal motivation in the learning process; values and beliefs about ways of expressing emotions; inappropriate statements and comments, inadequate reaction to the choreographer’s remarks; performance of monotonous, uninteresting movements and exercises.

Attention is also focused on the tasks facing the choreographer, in addition to the formation of choreographic skills in junior schoolchildren, to take care of the development of aspirations in children for creative self-expression, the development of intelligence, competent mastery of emotions, understanding of beauty, willpower and emotional intelligence. The article stresses that the choreographer needs to consider pupils’ temperament during the development of their artistic skills, as this will allow him to better understand some features of the child’s behaviour and activities, and vary the necessary images.

Conclusion. Therefore, primary school age is the optimal period of active learning of social behaviour, the art of communication between children, learning communication skills, ways of recognizing social situations. During this period, the child’s potential as an active subject who discovers the world for himself/herself, gaining his/her own experience of actions in society, is realized at a qualitatively new level; emotionality, imagery and spontaneity of imagination, artistry are formed in junior schoolchildren.

The development of artistic skills is a continuous process related to psychological and age development. The formation of artistic skills in children is a key condition for revealing the creative potential to realize personal self-expression in dance. The question of developing artistic skills of middle school age pupils by means of dance requires further research.

Article Details

How to Cite
TKACHENKO, V., OSTAPENKO, A., & TSVYACHKA, O. (2023). FEATURES OF ARTISTIC SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN CHOREOGRAPHY CLASSES: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.<Br> Series "Pedagogical Sciences", (3), 147–153. https://doi.org/10.31651/2524-2660-2023-3-147-153
Author Biographies

Vadim TKACHENKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Pedagogy, Аssociate professor, Аssociate professor of the Department of Educational
and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work

Anna OSTAPENKO, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work

Oleksandr TSVYACHKA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy

Lecturer of the Department of Educational and Socio-Cultural Management and Social Work


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